DIY Calendula Oil Recipe for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Calendula has a long history of use in skincare due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This versatile oil not only moisturizes and soothes irritated skin, but also combats acne and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It makes a great massage oil for achy joints too! Creating your own calendula oil infusion at home is easier than you think!

To get started, gather the following ingredients and tools:

  • 1 cup of organic dried calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis)
  • 2 cups of carrier oil (for example, organic extra virgin olive oil)
  • A glass jar with a lid
  • Cheesecloth or a mesh strainer
  • A small funnel
  • A clean bowl
  • 16oz airtight bottle

Once you have all the ingredients and tools listed above, check out our easy-to-follow instructions to make your own calendula oil.

Step 1: Prepare the Jar

Clean the glass jar thoroughly and ensure it is completely dry before use. This will help maintain the freshness and quality of your calendula oil.

Step 2: Infusion

Place the dried calendula flowers into the glass jar. Pour the carrier oil of your choice over the flowers until they are completely submerged. Ensure that the oil covers the flowers by at least an inch.

two jars with calendula flowers infusing in oil

Step 3: Seal and Store

Tightly seal the jar with the lid and place it on a windowsill with indirect sunlight (direct sunlight exposure can affect the quality and longevity of the infused oil). Let the jar sit for about 4 to 6 weeks to allow the flowers to infuse their beneficial properties into the oil. You can gently shake or invert the jar a few times about once a week to aid in the infusion process.

Step 4: Straining

After the infusion period is complete, strain the oil using a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. Place the cheesecloth or strainer over a clean bowl or container and pour the oil through it. This will separate the infused oil from the calendula flowers. If needed, double strain into a second container to remove all plant material traces.

mesh strainer in a bowl of calendula flowers

Step 5: Storage

Once strained, use a small funnel to transfer the final calendula oil into a clean, airtight bottle or container. Make sure to label it with the date and contents for future reference.

oil being poured into a brown glass bottle

Note: Calendula is a very gentle oil, but some people might have allergic reactions, so it's always a good idea to perform a quick patch test. To do this, apply a few drops to a small area of your skin, such as your forearm, and wait a couple of hours before using the oil more extensively to make sure there are no allergic reactions. 

a hand holding a brown glass bottle of calendula oil

Incorporating calendula into your skincare routine can work wonders for your skin! Whether you choose to make your own calendula oil using our easy DIY recipe or explore our organic skincare product line at The Y & W Laboratory, which uses calendula as one of our key ingredients, the benefits of this amazing oil are within your reach.

If you give this recipe a try, tag us @theyandwlab on Facebook or Instagram and let us know what you think!

See you soon! 

- Y

About the Author: Thanks for reading! Meet Yazeth, the founder of The Y&W Laboratory, an organic and cruelty-free natural skin care company. With a background in the clinical laboratory and extensive experience teaching health and wellness courses, her passion for holistic wellness led her to pursue additional training in natural skin care, aromatherapy, and herbal studies. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out!


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Disclaimer: Blog posts are meant for general informational purposes only and reflect author opinions. It is your responsibility to independently determine whether to use any of the information or content on this blog and assume any risk of injury that may result. Please consult with your physician prior to incorporating any recommendations. 


  • Thank you all for the kind comments — I’m glad you enjoyed the post! …Unfortunately, this platform does not allow for direct comment replies on blogs, so I will respond to them as individual comments below.

    ***The Y and W Laboratory***
  • @Katherine and @Louann: The oil is versatile. Think of it as a gentle moisturizer with some anti-inflammatory activity. You can add a few drops to your current moisturizer, use as a massage oil for achy joints, rub it on dry skin patches, etc. I personally add a few drops of roman chamomile essential oil and use it as a moisturizer for the kids after baths – mainly for arms and legs. My mom loves it for achy knees. You can use it on the face, if you have used olive oil on the face before. The oils used on the face should have a low comedogenic rating (the lower the rating, the lower the chance of clogging pores) and olive oil is around a 2-3 (moderate), so it does have a moderate chance of clogging pores for some skin types. Note: An upcoming blog post will be on comedogenic ratings for various oils, so do check back for that one.

    ***The Y and W Laboratory***
  • @Zee: You’re welcome =) and @Patty: Thank you for subscribing!

    ***The Y and W Laboratory***
  • @Deborah: Absolutely! You can definitely try other oils to infuse. Use base oils that you are comfortable with and give it a try! Some suggestions: almond, jojoba, sunflower. Again, check the comedogenic ratings if using on the face. Also, look at the shelf life! Some oils go rancid very quickly.

    ***The Y and W Laboratory***
  • How would I use the oil?


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